Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How do I register Gmail account without giving a phone number?

How do I register Gmail account without giving a phone number?
I want to sign up to Youtube but it won't it let me unless I sign with Google first. When I try to sign up for Google, it says that I need to give them my phone numbers to receive a code. Surely I can register on Youtube without having to give themmy phone number?!
Google - 2 Answers
People Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
www.gmail.com try signing up there... if it has a phone number field it might be optional but if its mandatory you can put a friends number or something to receive the code I never had to enter a phone number when i signed up
Answer 2 :
They closed my gmail account and won't let me have access to it until I give them my phone number. They can kiss my ass. I won't be taken hostage over my personal information when 1) they can shut off my account whenever they like and 2) they are only going to use for advertising.

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