Saturday, September 28, 2013

Are there records I can search to find out if someone was a chartered accountant back in 1900?

Are there records I can search to find out if someone was a chartered accountant back in 1900?
My great grandfather is something of a mystery. Am not sure if he was Scottish or English. From official certificate I know he was an accountant. I would like to know if I can trace him through this line of enquiry.
Corporations - 3 Answers
People Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
As above, but don't contact the ACCA, because that is the professional body for the Certified accountancy body. Contact the Professinal body for Chartered Accountants. viz. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales or, the same body for Scotland.
Answer 2 :
The organisation that governed chartered accountants back then was what is now the ACAEW but that only covers England and Wales. Contact them ( and their scottish counterparts
Answer 3 :
Try our Website, We've Helped Numerous People With Out Advanced Features And Ease of Use. Hope We Can Help.

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