Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to create a ftp account on Debian without it being a user on the system?

How to create a ftp account on Debian without it being a user on the system?
They have ssh access, I only want people to be able to use the ftp access.
Security - 1 Answers
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Answer 1 :
You can add their usernames to the sshd_config to deny them SSH access: # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config Append following names (directives): DenyUsers joeuser You can also make the ftp users you want to deny members of a group and then deny the entire group ssh access # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config Append following names (directives): DenyGroups theftpgroup Don't forget to restart the sshd service to make the changes active: sudo service sshd restart

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